Public Sector Health Information Systems

In the Training section:




This web site provides material for e-government practitioners based in developing/transitional economies. This page is a training guide for those who would like to use that material for training purposes. The page focuses only on the material for the site's third topic: "public sector health information systems" (called "e-health" for short).


i. Trainee assumptions

This page is aimed at a trainer who wishes to train a group of practitioners from developing/transitional economies about e-health projects. The page would need to be modified somewhat for use in different situations; for example for use by an e-health practitioner as a self-study guide; or for use in training postgraduate students who lack public sector experience.

ii. Resource assumptions

The page assumes that each trainee has access to an Internet-connected PC. If not, trainers will need to put material onto a CD-ROM with Web browser, or print off and copy relevant Web site documents. This is permitted provided i) documentation is not altered; ii) original source/authorship of the material is clearly indicated; iii) training is a non-profit activity. In other circumstances, please contact the site owners.

iii. Time assumptions

The page is written with a one/one-and-a-half-day training workshop in mind. However, the material can be amended for shorter or longer training periods (see below).

iv. Language assumptions

The material assumes English language skills (c. IELTS 6.5+) for both trainer and trainees. We encourage translation of site material into other languages, but please first contact site coordinator: Richard Heeks .

Page Author: Richard Heeks. Last updated on 19 October, 2008.
Please contact with comments and suggestions.