Success and Failure in eGovernment Projects

Success/Failure Case Study No.6

Automating a Social Security and National Insurance Trust in West Africa

Case Study Author

Samuel McLord Chekpeche (


This is a computerised transaction processing and management information system for the Social Security and National Insurance Trust in a West African country. Both employers and employees pay into the SSNIT's Fund: 5% of employee monthly salary is paid by the employee and 12.5% by the employer.

Application Description

The information system handles incoming data and documents for the Trust. It allows automated handling of the Trust's workflow and provides management information that allows the monitoring of that workflow.

Application Purpose

The main purpose of computerisation was to increase efficiency by reducing labour costs, and by increasing speed of operations. This was also intended to allow the generation of timely statements of account to contributors (particularly large employers). Greater management control through information was also intended to improve efficiency and effectiveness.


The main stakeholders affected by this application are the many employees and employers who pay into the Fund; the pensioners and dependants of deceased members who are paid from the Fund; and the government which has sole oversight responsibility for the Fund.

Impact: Costs and Benefits

The information system was developed in-house within SSNIT. In addition to the wage and equipment costs of development, there have been costs of frequent in-house training programmes for the clerical/data entry staff; and also the costs of other financial motivators/inducements for the clerical staff, such as sponsorship to attend external training. The benefits delivered have been more efficient workflow, timely reporting and decision-making, and a better corporate image for SSNIT.

Evaluation: Failure or Success?

The application is judged to be a success. Although there is no quantitative data to support the evaluation, it is seen to have changed the work culture in local offices, and to have changed the image of the organisation.

Enablers/Critical Success Factors

  1. Commitment of SSNIT's Board of Directors .
  2. Continuous staff training .


  1. Senior staff resistance . Initial non-cooperation of section heads who saw the system as an attack on their authority.
  2. Clerical staff resistance . Resistance from some clerical staff who saw the project as an attempt to make them redundant.
  3. Data losses . Some data losses in the changeover from manual to automated systems.


  1. Involve all levels of staff .
  2. Involve staff from the beginning . For example, in discussing the analysis and design process.
  3. Manage change right from the start . This is done in order to address early fears, such as fears of redundancy

Further Information


Case Details

Outcome : Largely Successful. Reform : eAdministration (cutting process costs).
Sector : Social Services (Social Security).
Region : West Africa. Start Date : 1988. Submission Date : August 2002

Last updated on 19 October, 2008.
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