In the Techniques section:
Identifying eGov Failure Causes: Design-Reality Gap Analysis
"Why did my e-government project fail?"
This page offers one technique for answering this question by identifying causes of failure. Follow this link for other techniques.
A gap exists for all e-government projects between the design assumptions/requirements and the reality of the client public agency. The larger this gap between design and reality, the greater the risk that the project will fail. The identification technique presented here asks you to rate the size of design-reality gaps along a set of seven 'ITPOSMO' dimensions. The dimensions that show the largest gap are the most likely causes of project failure. Follow this link for a detailed explanation of design-reality gaps (and some related case examples).
Identifying the Factors Underlying Failure
Identification consists of questions relating to a series of seven 'ITPOSMO' dimensions - information, technology, processes, objectives & values, staffing & skills, management systems and structures, and other resources - with attached rating numbers.
- Using each of the seven ITPOSMO dimensions in turn, analyse two things. First, the organisational reality relating to each dimension that existed just prior to the implementation of the application. Second, the conceptions/requirements within the design of the e-government application for that dimension (if the design has changed significantly over time, choose the final design that was actually implemented).
- For each one of the dimensions, give a numerical rating to indicate the size of the design-reality gap on that dimension. The larger the gap, the more likely it is to have been an important cause of the failure. The rating for each dimension's gap can be anywhere on a scale from zero to ten. As a guide, illustrations are just given here for gaps corresponding to ratings of zero, five and ten, but all numbers in the range are possible. Illustrative ratings:
- · 0 rating would indicate 'no difference between the application design and organisational reality';
- · 5 rating would indicate 'some degree of difference between the application design and organisational reality';
- · 10 rating would indicate 'complete and radical difference between the application design and organisational reality'
- Thus, for example, taking the first dimension - information - 0 would indicate that the information usage required by the e-government application's design was exactly the same as the information really being used in the organisation just prior to implementation. 5 would indicate that the information usage required by the e-government application's design was somewhat different from the information really being used in the organisation just prior to implementation. 10 would indicate that the information usage required by the e-government application's design was completely and radically different from the information really being used in the organisation just prior to implementation.
- · the technology used in the agency (comparing the requirements contained within the design of the e-government application vs. the real situation just prior to implementation);
- · the work processes undertaken in the agency (comparing the processes needed for successful implementation of the e-government application vs. the real situation just prior to implementation);
- · the objectives and values that key stakeholders would have needed for successful implementation of the e-government application vs. their real objectives and values just prior to implementation;
- · the staffing numbers and skill levels/types required in/by the agency (comparing the requirements for successful implementation of the e-government application vs. the real situation just prior to implementation);
- · the management systems and structures required in the agency (comparing the requirements for successful implementation of the e-government application vs. the real situation just prior to implementation);
- · the time and money required to successfully implement and operate the new application compared with the time and money really available just prior to implementation.
Note that it may be necessary to conduct further data gathering (interviews, document analysis, observations, questionnaires, etc.) in order to adequately evaluate the size of each dimension's gap.
The other six dimensions to be rated from zero to ten are:
Presenting, Analysing and Using the Results
The gap rating scores for each dimension are ranked in a table in numerical order. An illustration is provided in the worked example below.
Those dimensions which receive the highest gap rating are most likely to represent the causes of failure in the e-government project.
Rating is a subjective process, but a rough guide to likelihood of a particular dimensional gap being a cause of failure is shown in the table below.
Gap Score |
Likelihood of Dimension Being Contributor to Failure |
8.1 - 10.0 |
Very likely |
6.1 - 8.0 |
Likely |
4.1 - 6.0 |
Possible |
2.1 - 4.0 |
Unlikely |
0.0 - 2.0 |
Very unlikely |
Rather than simply accepting the scores and rankings, it makes sense to first discuss the order and scores that have emerged, to see whether they reflect the perceptions of key stakeholders. For example, the ranked list of dimensions - with likely failure causes clearly identified - can be circulated for further comments to those stakeholders, or can be used as the basis for 'lessons learned' workshop.
Knowledge about the likely causes of failure can then be disseminated to others who would find it useful; and subsequently applied. It can be applied in two main situations.
i. To salvage the existing e-government project
Application of this knowledge will typically mean using the knowledge to try to revive the existing e-government project, and turn it from failure to success. This will mean paying special attention to the identified causal dimensions in order to reduce the gap between design and reality on that dimension.
For example, imagine the staffing and skills dimension emerges with the highest gap score as the strongest individual cause of failure. What should the current e-government project team do? They can do one or both of two things:
- · Revise the staffing and skills assumptions within the e-government application's design in order to make them more like the current reality of staffing and skills within the organisation. For example, they could simplify the interface and processes within the e-government application in order to reduce the complexity of skills required to use the application.
- · Take actions that change the reality of existing staffing and skills within the organisation in order to make that reality closer to the staffing and skills assumptions within the e-government application's design. For example, they could undertake an intensive training programme to develop necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes.
ii. To assist future e-government projects
You can try to use the knowledge developed from identification of failure causes on subsequent e-government projects, in an attempt to reduce their risk of failure. This will mean paying special attention to the identified causal dimensions in future projects to ensure that the gap between design and reality remained small. However, this makes the assumption that gaps causing failure on one project will be the main cause of failure on later projects. This might be true, but it might not be. Design-reality gap analysis assumes that one size does not fit all, and that gaps are different on different projects.
In other words, it is better to start design-reality gap analysis from scratch for any new project rather than try to rely on the results from a previous project. Those previous results may give you some background guidance, but no more than that.
Variations on the Basic Technique
1. Who does it
These seven rating scales can be used by a single individual, such as a project consultant or project manager, to help them with their own understanding and recommendations. Alternatively, a more participative approach can be used. The seven scales can be presented to a group of key project stakeholders in a facilitated workshop. The stakeholders discuss and rate each dimension. The largest design-reality gaps - the ones that are most likely causes of the failure - are identified. The workshop would then move on to work out what to do with this knowledge.
2. Emphasising particular dimensions
The basic technique makes a questionable assumption - that all dimensional gaps are equally important; for example, that if the information dimension and the process dimension both show a design-reality gap of 7, then both were equally important causes of failure. A more complex variation - already noted above - uses the raw scores as the basis for further reflection and discussion, leading to a revised ranking list of factors.
From experience, gaps on the objectives and values dimension may be more significant as a cause of failure than equivalent gaps on other dimensions because this dimension incorporates key elements such as politics, culture, self-interest, motivation, and the aspirations that a whole variety of different stakeholder groups seek to achieve from the new e-government system.
3. More complex dimensions
The use of just seven rating scales is very much a 'blunt instrument'. A more sophisticated - also more time-consuming - approach is to break each main dimension down into a series of sub-dimensions. Each sub-dimension is then allocated its own rating scale. For instance:
- · The 'technology' dimension could be broken down into three sub-dimensions: software, hardware and networks.
- · The 'staffing and skills' dimension could be broken down into one sub-dimension for each significant staff grouping involved and/or one sub-dimension for each of the six key e-government competencies (strategic, change/project management, information systems development and management, hands-on, interpersonal, 'intelligent customer' (contracts, suppliers, procurement)).
Such sub-dimensions can either be pre-set or they can be determined within a facilitated workshop. In the latter case, sub-dimensions can be attuned to particular organisational context.
4. Creating your own dimensions
This 'attuning' just mentioned can go further: stakeholders can use the seven suggested ITPOSMO dimensions merely as a starting point for discussion, and can then develop their own particular dimensions and sub-dimensions that are seen to be relevant to the specific context. Design-reality gaps can then be assessed for each one of those dimensions/sub-dimensions.
Pros and Cons of this Technique
This technique is relatively simple and quick to understand and put into practice. One key advantage is that it matches the unique situation of each individual e-government project, rather than imposing a "one size fits all" concept. On the downside, it tries to cram a lot of issues into each single dimension (particularly into 'objectives and values' and 'staffing and skills'), and it will not work well if there are competing designs or competing ideas about what counts as 'reality'. The approach also takes no account of possible interaction between dimensions as a cause of failure.
Real-World Examples
A number of real-world cases of e-government project gap analysis and related learning about failure cause identification are provided on this site:
- Automating Public Sector Bank Transactions in South Asia
- A Single Personnel Information System for a Southern African Government
- An Integrated Information System for Defence Force Management in the Middle East
Worked Example
A new Web-based procurement system was implemented last year by the Ministry of Transportation in Gedactia. Introduction of the system was promoted and partly-funded by an external donor, which put in place many of the formal skills and technology required, but the project had relatively little internal support.
Evaluation shows that the e-procurement system is little used. It has significantly undershot on its objectives, which set clear goals for the value of electronically-made purchases to be achieved within one year, and for the savings to be made through e-procurement.
Why did this e-government project partially fail? An answer is given below.
Questions, Answers & Ratings
Question : What was the gap between the information assumptions/requirements of the new e-procurement system design, and the information in use in reality in the Ministry just prior to implementation?
Answer : The project consultants made use of a fairly 'generic' design for the e-procurement system. In reality, this matched some core elements of information used in Gedactian procurement. However, the Ministry made use of slightly different information to this 'one size fits all' assumption. In reality also, there were shortcomings in availability of information that the design assumed would be present - a list of all government suppliers, accurate pricing information, and a clear set of guidelines on procurement. Thus there was a fair-sized gap between the information assumptions of the design and organisational realities.
Gap rating : 6.5
Question : What was the gap between the technology assumptions/requirements of the new e-procurement system design, and the technology in use in reality in the Ministry just prior to implementation?
Answer : The e-procurement system design assumed the presence of a set of robust Internet connections, Web servers, and procurement software within the Ministry; it also assumed the presence of Internet-connected systems in a broad range of suppliers. In reality, the Ministry made fairly limited use of ICTs, the telecommunications infrastructure in the country was somewhat limited, and many smaller suppliers lacked access to ICTs.
Gap rating : 7
Question : What was the gap between the work processes required for successful implementation of the new e-procurement system design, and the work processes in use in reality in the Ministry just prior to implementation?
Answer : The e-procurement system design required a set of formal, rational work processes that dealt efficiently with procurement. These proposed work processes under the new system design followed roughly the same lines as the earlier real procurement system, and that system did function, but with a number of 'hiccups' and inefficiencies in the way that work was carried out.
Gap rating : 2.5
Objectives and Values
Question : What was the gap between the objectives and values that key stakeholders required for successful implementation of the new e-procurement system design, and their real objectives and values just prior to implementation?
Answer : The e-procurement system design assumed a procurement system that values rational functioning within public agencies, such as freedom of procurement from political interventions. The design assumed objectives of greater efficiency (whatever the impact on jobs), and of the spread of e-government. The reality was somewhat different, though it varied from stakeholder to stakeholder. The donors - who were driving the project - largely shared these objectives and values; as did the project consultants and IT suppliers working for the donors. Many senior officials did not share them: they were either happy with the status quo or they had other priority objectives than e-procurement, they supported a politicised rather than rational culture within the Ministry, and they were not particularly keen on the spread of ICTs within government. Many clerical staff within the Ministry similarly did not share the design objectives and values: they feared the new system and they could not see its value.
Gap rating : 7.5
Staffing and Skills
Question : What was the gap between the staffing numbers and skills levels/types required for successful implementation of the new e-procurement system design, and real staffing and skills just prior to implementation?
Answer : The e-procurement system design assumed the presence of a whole range of competencies for both its implementation and its ongoing operation. For example, it assumed a reasonable-sized team with good experience of designing and implementing e-procurement systems; it assumed good knowledge within that team of Gedactian public sector specificities; it assumed some capacities within the Ministry to manage the implementation contract and the procurement system; it assumed a set of hands-on IT skills among clerical staff in the Ministry. In reality, some of those competencies were present and some were not. The project team had good experience, but knew little about Gedactia; the Ministry had a limited set of management experitise; and clerical staff had a few basic IT skills but not the higher-level skills that operation of the Web-based system would require.
Gap rating : 6
Management Systems and Structures
Question : What was the gap between the management systems and structures required for successful implementation of the new e-procurement system design, and real management systems and structures just prior to implementation?
Answer : The e-procurement system design assumed some limited changes to management systems compared with organisational reality, with the introduction of some IT management of the Web systems, and some changes to oversight mechanisms for procurement. The design assumed no significant changes to Ministry structures.
Gap rating : 2.5
Other Resources
Question : What was the gap between the other resources (money, time, other) required for successful implementation of the new e-procurement system design, and real availability of those resources just prior to implementation?
Answer : The e-procurement system design assumed two sets of financing to be available. First, a larger sum for introduction of the system; second, a smaller ongoing sum for system operation and maintenance. In reality, the donor was making the money for the first set available, and for the second for the first two years. The design also assumed a relatively gentle timescale, using an incremental approach in roll-out of the system. This seems to match fairly well with the amount of time that staff had available (and that political timescales imposed).
Gap rating : 2.5
The dimensions are sorted into numerical order, and presented as a table.
Dimension |
Gap Score |
Likelihood as Cause of Failure |
Objectives & Values |
7.5 |
Likely |
Technology |
7 |
Likely |
Information |
6.5 |
Likely |
Staffing & Skills |
6 |
Likely |
Processes |
2.5 |
Unlikely |
Management Systems & Structures |
2.5 |
Unlikely |
Other Resources |
2.5 |
Unlikely |
Conclusions and Action
Design-reality gaps on four dimensions - objectives & values, technology, information, and staffing & skills - have been identified as the most likely causes of this e-government failure. These dimensional gaps can now form the focus either for remedial action on the existing project and/or for risk reduction strategies in future projects. Follow this link for more details about actions to take to close design-reality gaps.